Pupils are encouraged to keep the school grounds and buildings free of rubbish, to care for plants and trees, and wherever possible to keep the school environment pollution free. There are numerous rubbish bins, both for food scraps and rubbish, situated in strategic places in and outside the school buildings, and we encourage children to take their rubbish home with them. The school is part of the Recycle for Trees programme and we recycle cardboard, paper and plastic. We also have a composting system and working worm farm where compostable matter and food scraps are used to feed the worms to produce 'worm wee tea' that we sell and use in our own gardens.
The school is smoke free. Please do not smoke anywhere on the premises.
Students are encouraged not to bring valuable toys etc. as the school takes no responsibility for them. It is highly recommended that if money is brought to school, that it is left in the care of Denise in the office.