Eketahuna Primary School


Eketāhuna School has a uniform which all children are expected to wear when representing the school. It is a school sports shirt with black shorts. The shirt can be purchased from the school office and costs $25.00. We also have optional warm school fleeces that cost $35.00 which can also be bought through the school office. 

We recommend students have these uniforms items as we often require them to be worn on school trips and special events.


We are a 'Sun Safe School and as a result it is expected that all children will wear sun hats and clothing that covers  their shoulders in Term 1 and Term 4. 

Children without hats will stay and play  on one of our classroom verandas.

Our Sun Safety Procedure can be viewed at schooldocs


Students are encouraged not to bring money, toys or valuables to school, but if it is necessary they should be left with Leona in the office for safekeeping. 

The school will not be responsible for lost money, toys or valuables that 

are not left in the office.


Please ensure all clothing is named. All unclaimed property is kept in the office area, in a large yellow container with 'Lost Property' signage. 

At times it is also displayed on the hall deck during the week so that children can look through them and is often displayed during assemblies. 

At the end of each term unclaimed clothing is washed and passed on to a charity.

We support, challenge and build confident, connected and actively involved life long learners.