

Eketahuna School is serviced by 4 buses. These are:





Children on the Newman and Rongomai buses gather at 2.55pm outside the school office where a staff member will check them off. Children on the other buses line up on the hall verandah when the bell rings at 2.55pm. The bus monitor of each bus will ensure that the bus list is checked and all children accounted for before handing the  list to the teacher-in-charge. 

All students who are not going to take their usual afternoon bus home require a parent or caregiver to contact the office either by telephone, school cell phone or text, email or a signed handwritten note. 

If children’s circumstances change through the school day and your child is going to be taken off the afternoon bus lists please let the office know BEFORE 2:30pm.

We do have a code of conduct procedure for on the bus. This will be given to all parents whose children use the bus service. Parents will be contacted if there is a problem. Code of Conduct Here

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